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How to handle the Helpwise Widget

Master the use of the Helpwise widget for better customer engagement.
Vibhor Agrawal
Updated 1 year ago

Helpwise allows you to add chat support on your website using the Live Chat Widget. You can handle the Chat widget on your website using the "Helpwise" function. Currently, Helpwise allows you to do four operations using this function. These four operations are as follow:

Open the Widget:

This helps you to open the widget by clicking on the button or link present on your website. To perform this operation you have to use Helpwise("show"). An example syntax to use this function can be as

<button type="button" onclick='Helpwise("show")'>Need Help!</button>

This will open the Helpwise Chat Widget whenever the person clicks the "Need help!" button.

Close the widget:

If you want to close the widget with a click-on button or link present at your website, then Helpwise("hide") is the function you are looking for. An example syntax to use this function is:

<button type="button" onclick='Helpwise("hide")'>Close Chat Support</button>

Now, if the user will click on the "Close Chat Support" button then it will run the Helpwise("hide") function and will close the widget.

Show previous conversations:

This operation helps you to show the previous conversation that the person had with your chat support team. To trigger this operation you have to call Helpwise("showconversations") function. Whenever a person on your website clicks the button or link, it will open the chat widget and then the previous conversation screen in it. An example syntax to use this function:

<button type="button" onclick='Helpwise("showConversations")'>Check previous conversations</button>

The above code will create a button on your website. Whenever the person on your site clicks the button, it will open the chat widget and will load up the previous conversations.

Open chat with a predefined message

It is the advanced version of the open chat widget operation. This not only opens the chat widget but also gives you the power to have a message already typed in message screen i.e. ready to send. To trigger this operation you have to call the function Helpwise("typeNewMessage", <YOUR MESSAGE IN DOUBLE QUOTES>). Example to use this function can be as:

<button type="button" onclick='Helpwise("typeNewMessage", "Hey team, I need your Help!")'>Need Help!</button>

The above code will add a button to your website. Whenever the person clicks this button, it will execute the function Helpwise("typeNewMessage", "Hey team, I need your help!"). This function will open up the chat widget and message screen in it. On the message screen the message "Hey team, I need your Help!" will show up in the box, and will be ready to be sent.

Open chat widget with widget icon hidden

This operation helps you when you want to keep the widget icon hidden on your page and still provide the option for live chat support. For this operation, you have to call Helpwise("showWithoutIcon") function whenever you want to open the widget by keeping the icon hidden. Here is an example showing how you can use this operation:

<button type="button" onclick='Helpwise("showWithoutIcon")'>Chat with us</button>

Now if a person on your website clicks on the "Chat with us" button then the Helpwise widget will open on your website while keeping the widget icon hidden.

Close chat widget with widget icon hidden

This operation helps you when you want to close the chat widget and along with that, you want to hide the widget icon too. To use this feature, you have to call Helpwise("hideAlongWithIcon") function. An example syntax to use this function can be like this:

<button type="button" onclick='Helpwise("hideAlongWithIcon")'>Close chat</button>

Now if a person on your website clicks on the "Close chat" button then the Helpwise widget will be closed and the icon will be hidden from the screen.

To know more about various features of Helpwise, feel free to reach out to us using our chat support or schedule a free demo with us here –  https://helpwise.io/demo.

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